Conduct of the Presidency Harding's administration lasted two years. He was a popular president. His tax-cutting, budget-balancing policies won favor with the voters. He did not risk his popularity by supporting the League of Nations. In his genial way, he got along well with Congress. But he protected the prerogatives of his office. Still, the widespread scandals in his administration revealed after his death damaged the presidency and his reputation. Government Leadership Harding worked hard at being a good executive. He appointed some honest and talented officials to his administration, including HERBERT HOOVER. Unfortunately, Harding also had a weakness for hacks and cronies. Soon they were cheating their offices for all they could get. Harding exercised poor judgment in appointing them. It left his administration with a permanent black mark. Political Leadership Harding was a Republican. Much of the credit for his political success is given to his friend Harry Daugherty. But Harding probably deserves a good deal of credit. He was popular with Republicans in Congress. When he died, his administration's scandals had not been revealed. Harding and his party were still popular with the American public. Arms Control Harding was the first president to propose limitations on arms. He assembled the first international arms-control conference. He did not achieve his goal of significant disarmament. But the world's naval powers did agree to reduce the number of arms at sea. Civil and Human Rights Harding advocated liberal civil rights policies. He tried unsuccessfully to win a federal ban on lynching. He spoke out in favor of racial equality. Harding's human and political rights were more moderate. He took a reasonably broad view of the rights of antiwar activists jailed during World War I. But he bowed to public pressure on the issue of immigration. Harding allowed fewer European immigrants to enter the United States. The Economy, Taxes, Regulation, and International Trade Harding pursued flexible economic policies. He placed the first limit on federal spending. He won sharp cuts in federal income taxes for wealthy taxpayers. He opposed bonuses for veterans. But he supported federal aid to disabled veterans and farmers. Harding took an "America First" approach to foreign trade. He sharply increased import duties. Overall, Harding's policies worked. The national debt was reduced. The economy grew. Foreign Affairs Harding's foreign-policy management was not particularly inspired. But it was competent. After the Senate failed to ratify the Treaty of Versailles, he causally ended U.S. hostilities with Germany and Austria. But he made no effort to diffuse the explosive issue of Germany's war reparations. On the other hand, Harding did improve on WOODROW WILSON's U.S.-Mexican policy. He also eased tensions between the United States and Colombia. In addition, Harding concluded a war-debt repayment agreement with Britain. Global Leadership Harding inherited a nation weary from the battles of World War I. He gave the country a rest from the burdens of global leadership. He opposed U.S. membership in the League of Nations. He did want the United States to join the World Court. But the Senate refused to ratify the treaty. War and Peace Harding made peace between United States and its enemies after World War I. He signed a congressional resolution ending U.S. hostilities with Germany and Austria. The Historical Legacy Harding's legacy is tarnished by the numerous scandals of his administration. But his presidency was not without positive accomplishments. He convened a successful international arms control conference. He created the first federal Budget Bureau. After Harding left office, the federal government was better able to keep track of its spending.